Friday, February 5, 2010


You know how sometimes you can wake up in the morning and no little kids are trying to climb all over you and there is that moment of utter.... mmmmmmm
i has that this morning and then my husband has to open his mouth. i don't get that very often and i have no idea what it is or why but he can with only a few words make me so freaking mad! this is not a talent i think he should have, i get that i am a mom first and also a wife but really you would think the one person in the whole world who would know i need to be me sometimes would BE my husband. but NO! I feel like screaming and i just got up my day has not even started! i can't tell if it's him right now or if i am just always mad

1 comment:

  1. I will vote for it being him... I just don't think husbands get it sometimes that me time is what keeps us sane. My husband tries to be good most the time bless his heart but I totally understand that husband sometimes are the root of the problem. By the way I love the background!!
