Sunday, November 21, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Today is just a meh day what more can i say? i guess not much

Monday, November 15, 2010

a whole lot of BLAH

sigh.... today just is. as in today is just another Monday of a whole lot of nothing going on. Just sitting here at work doing nothing not really working cuz there is nothing to work on and when there is something to work on screwing it up and then reading e-mails about it asking why i did this or why didn't i do this. and all the while thinking well gee i just really have no idea what i am doing and any time i call to ask someone they have no idea so really just kinda stuck in the middle of nothing. listening to other people work and talk around me... yay fun well anyway at least i am getting paid to sit here are read, read, read.sigh i swear i am just in such a slump today. and i feel bad like i am always like this never happy never moving forward just blah sad blah sad blah mad blah blah blah seems like no point anymore

Friday, November 12, 2010

Getting my hopes up

sometimes i feel like i am getting my hopes up when it comes to entering the new chapter of my life. I feel like i always do this things are just so bad for so long and then things start to look up and for a while i get excited about what could happen if something did go right and then it never dose and i can't seem to help myself from doing it each and every time. and here i am telling myself don't get your hopes up i still kind of do. sigh anyway just hoping things will change or that i will...

Friday, November 5, 2010


For some people all i can say is WOW!! it's hard for me to believe that
some people really believe everything they see read or hear.
And take it so much to heart that they would change their life and things
that they do cuz of it. i mean really people if you were not born
with one grow a BRAIN!! i mean Really. now i know someone and i'm not going
to name any names who dose this on a daily basis and
i have to listen to it every day and the worst part is i can't SAY anything
to this person. i feel that once in your life you should get a pass
to say what ever you feel. and then that person will forget what you said.
now i know it won't make up for all the dumb S$%#* they say
every day to you but just once would be nice... i think.