Monday, November 15, 2010

a whole lot of BLAH

sigh.... today just is. as in today is just another Monday of a whole lot of nothing going on. Just sitting here at work doing nothing not really working cuz there is nothing to work on and when there is something to work on screwing it up and then reading e-mails about it asking why i did this or why didn't i do this. and all the while thinking well gee i just really have no idea what i am doing and any time i call to ask someone they have no idea so really just kinda stuck in the middle of nothing. listening to other people work and talk around me... yay fun well anyway at least i am getting paid to sit here are read, read, read.sigh i swear i am just in such a slump today. and i feel bad like i am always like this never happy never moving forward just blah sad blah sad blah mad blah blah blah seems like no point anymore

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